Leanne Bamford graduated with a Bachelor of Social Work from University of Tasmania as a mature age student in 1995.
Her twenty-five year career has seen her involved in the areas of Youth Justice, Child Protection, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, working for the Australian Defence Force and the Family Courts of Australia.
After 11 years with the Australian Family Law Court as a Family Consultant, Leanne commenced private practice as a family report writer and therapist working with families and individuals experiencing separation and divorce.
Leanne applies a trauma-informed approach to her practice. She has shared her knowledge of the issues of Coercive and controlling abuse and the impact on children, and Applying a trauma-informed approach to family law, both here in Australia and at the Europe Family Law and Mediation Conference.
Leanne is trained in Collaborative Practice and is also a trained Parenting Coordinator and Child Consultant working in Child-inclusive Mediation.
Her varied and extensive experience has assisted Leanne in the preparation of family reports and working with separated couples wishing to improve their post-separation communication and parenting, along with protecting their children from further exposure to adult conflict and the impact of separation and divorce.