Meet Marg Doherty – Certified Divorce Coach
Meet Marg Doherty, Divorce Hub’s certified divorce coach. Discover what led Marg to this career and how through specialised coaching, divorce can be healthier for the whole family.
Meet Marg Doherty, Divorce Hub’s certified divorce coach. Discover what led Marg to this career and how through specialised coaching, divorce can be healthier for the whole family.
Discover how family lawyers can leverage the benefits of a Divorce Coach to get the best settlement for clients.
You cheated, and now you are getting divorced. Read this before you make a settlement decision when you are riddled with guilt.
A divorce coach can help you get through one of the toughest times in your life. Divorce Hub explains why you should use a certified divorce coach.
If you’re struggling to decide whether to separate, a pre-divorce coach can help you find clarity and move forward with confidence. Could a divorce coach help you?
Anger is a standard emotion when you’re experiencing a divorce, particularly if things have gotten a little messy. Here’s what you can do about it.
Divorce is an emotional time for everyone, but the right help can make the process easier. Divorce Hub’s divorce coach provides the assistance you need.