Divorcing in a Housing Crisis on the Sunshine Coast
Going through a divorce? Property settlement, including your home, is part of that, but is 2022 a good time to sell on the Sunshine Coast? Divorce Hub explores.
Going through a divorce? Property settlement, including your home, is part of that, but is 2022 a good time to sell on the Sunshine Coast? Divorce Hub explores.
Unsure if you’re entitled to Spousal Maintenance? Or are you liable to pay it? Here’s everything you need to know about Spousal Maintenance.
The “70/30 divorce settlement split” is just not that common in Australia You may have heard of the 70/30 divorce settlement split in favour of the man from American film and television or celebrity gossip. But it is actually quite…
Moving in with your partner? You need a Cohabitation Agreement! Disclaimer: This is general information. For specific legal advice, please get in touch. Moving In With Your Partner? Future you may thank you for a Cohabitation Agreement! It sure is…
On 11 May 2022, the High Court of Australia made orders in the case of Fairbairn & Radecki, about whether a de facto relationship had ended. It is infrequent that the High Court deals with family law matters so this…
Consent Orders: Do you Need One? Are They Binding? How Do You Get Started? The First Timer’s Guide to Consent Orders in Australia Disclaimer: This is general information. For specific legal advice, please get in touch. If you’re recently separated…
Superannuation splitting in family law cases just got a lot easier. Or did it….? Superannuation splitting has traditionally been an area of family law which is unnecessarily complex and lacked transparency. Recent changes requiring the ATO to produce details of…
Updated! Child Support debt? You might miss that business meeting in London or family holiday in Fiji… In 2018 we wrote the blog post below about parents who had not paid their child support, being stopped at the border and…
As a specialist family lawyer, I read a lot of superannuation documents. Most adult Australians who have worked at any stage, have superannuation accounts. However, I notice a lot of issues with those superannuation accounts and it’s time to talk…
Can I purchase a property before getting divorced? We are often asked the question “Can I buy a new property before getting divorced?” In a booming property market, people who are separating often want to take advantage of opportunities that…