When Christmas is the Final Straw – You’re Not Alone
The festive season can feel anything but merry and bright – especially if your relationship is on rocky ground. You are not alone – but if you need support, we may be able to help with that.
The festive season can feel anything but merry and bright – especially if your relationship is on rocky ground. You are not alone – but if you need support, we may be able to help with that.
If you have a new financial or living situation, it may be time to change your parenting arrangements. Here is when and how you can change your consent order.
Can a spouse get less in a property settlement for cheating? Unfortunately, no. But here is how you can come out on top and manage your divorce wisely.
You cheated, and now you are getting divorced. Read this before you make a settlement decision when you are riddled with guilt.
Were you married overseas and unsure how to get divorced in Australia? Divorce Hub can help sort out your assets and answer questions about immigrant status.
Finances and property during a property settlement can feel uncertain and confusing. Here is a breakdown of family law valuation for your divorce.
Ex Avoiding Child Support? We Can Help Track Down Those Hidden Assets! Your ex might be avoiding child support and hiding assets – so how do you get your child support payments? Divorce Hub are going to be your child…
Unsure about how to schedule custody arrangements for your child? Here is some practical advice about what works for your child at different ages.
Are you worried that your custody arrangements will be impacted if you or child tests for COVID? Don’t fret – you can make some changes. And we can help!
Anger is a standard emotion when you’re experiencing a divorce, particularly if things have gotten a little messy. Here’s what you can do about it.